Our Herd


Dean Angus has a herd of about 50 registered Angus cattle. They are rotationally grazed along 1.5 miles of West Chickamauga Creek. The bulk of our genetics are from Wheeler Mountain Ranch in Whitehall, MT and Ginger Hill Angus in Washington, VA. While on opposite sides of the country, Wheeler Mountain and Ginger Hill have similar philosophies and their cattle work for us.

Bulls For Sale

Private Treaty Sale

December 15, 2023

Cattle FAQs


When do you have bulls for sale?

We typically collect yearling weights sometime in November and the bulls are available after that. Typically, all the bulls are sold by early April.

Do we creep feed our calves?

No, we think raising the calf is the cows job.

How do you manage your cows?

 Our cows are on pasture/hay with a good mineral and lick tubs.  They get no other supplement and we expect our cows to wean a calf that is approximately half of their body weight.

What do you feed your bulls?

We feed our bulls a ration formulated by AgCentral Co-Op. Our goal is to have the bulls gain 3#/day which is enough for them to develop and express their potential without getting fat.

How big are your cows?

A large majority of our cows weigh between 1,200 and 1,300 pounds. That is no guess as we actually weigh all our cows when we wean their calves. 

Our Herd Sires

Photo Mar 11, 5 32 23 PM.jpg

WMR Paydirt 0105

Owned with Ron Van Dyke

Photo Mar 11, 9 55 31 PM.jpg

Ginger Hill Road House 970

Owned with Brook Miller


Questions? Please reach out!